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Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Skin Story

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a couple of few weeks and I guess you can say I was a little bit reluctant. I've been planing to do this post for quite some time now and I have even had my photos set and all ready to go but I just couldn't bring myself to write it, but at the same time I didn't want to post anything else instead. You see, this post is slightly different. It doesn't really mention any beauty products and it isn't a review nor is it a wishlist. This post for me is very personal as it is about something that I've never really talked about with people, except those select few I am really close with. I guess you could say I was hesitant to share it with you all not because I am embarrassed but because I don't really talk about it in general. It's one of those things that I used to get quite snappy about if my mum or another family mentioned it and is still of some concern to me (though definitely not on such a large scale). If you haven't already guessed I am talking about my skin.

As I have briefly mentioned in some of my other blog posts I've been preparing a few posts regarding skin care but I didn't feel right posting anything as of yet until I fully explained my skin situation. As we all know everyone's skin is different and what might work for me might not work for you, and vice versa something that works for you most definitely might not work for me. My skin is a pesky and picky little thing sometimes. I've also mentioned my skin type on the odd occasion. At the moment I can say that my skin is oily, congested and blemish prone. Though it used to be so much worse (ask anyone that knows me personally and they will agree). So strap in ladies and gents, I'm not going to say it was gory but it definitely wasn't pretty. I probably should post before and after photos for you all to get a better understanding of my skin but my god I am so not ready to do that. I am quite content with my skin now but looking at old photos makes me more than cringe.

My skin dilemmas started when I was 14 years old and like any young girl in high school having skin issues it's something you definitely don't need at that age. It started out with small white heads across my forehead and while that was tolerable (to an extent) my problems really started when I began to develop really bad acne across my cheeks, nose, neck and chin. When I say bad acne I mean those big horrible one that were so painful touch, to those unsightly puss filled ones that you were told to never pop but did anyway (and I so regret that now). Gore aside, I can safely say that I had horrible skin. It was so frustrating for me too because I was someone who ate fairly healthy, drank a lot of water, exercised and went to bed at a reasonable time. But with such bad skin you can't help but feel dirty and feel like you did something wrong in regards to your hygiene. Looking back now, I know it was mostly based on my hormones and not my cleaning habits but having bad skin just makes you want to hide.

I also probably tried everything on the market. I tried Proactiv (which did nothing for me), various pills, saw various dermatologists and used almost every type of acne skin care in the market. Somethings would work but then my acne would just come back worse than ever. By the time I was 17 it was honestly a battle I thought I could never win and I thought it was just something I had to learn to deal with. It wasn't until I was around 19 and had saved up some money that I was able to afford some more expensive skin clinics. This is when I started various facial cleaning procedures, skin peels, facial cleaning and microdermabrasion (google it, it can't really explain aha). It set me back quite a lot of money but I am so glad I tried it as it was the only the thing that was ever able to clear my skin. My dermatologist also introduced me to a whole range of products that I had never tried before but worked like nothing else.

So here I am two years on with skin that I am not entirely happy with (but really who is?) but not embarrassed about and can face the world without make up (sometimes). I just wanted to share this with you all so you have some idea of what my skin is like now and then and when I recommend products for acne/blemish prone skin, I truly stand by them because honestly my skin is so darn picky only a select products work!! Sorry for the massive ranty story telling type post I hope I didn't bore you to tears (ha).

So some posts you can now look forward to in the near future are cleansers, face masks, spot treatments and various gels and lotions that I swear by that work for acne/blemish prone, congested and oily skin. As well as make up for oily and blemish skin and how to deal with these skin problems. If you don't have skin like mine consider yourself blessed but if that pesky little pimple (or group of) pops up, know I'll have some advice waiting for you here.

Until then,

Chantalle x


  1. Hun I really felt for you while reading this post! I've had acne since I was 14 and it's gotten worse again, though it's nothing like it used to be. Really proud that you feel better and I really cannot wait for those posts you mentioned, they'll be really helpful! :) x
    Živa from Nothin' Fancy. Really.

    1. Thank you for your lovely words! My skin is no where near perfect now but definitely not as bad! I'm excited to write them! x

  2. I don't know what I would do without m Origins spot zapper - it's so good!

    Josie xoxo Fashion Mumblr

  3. You are definitely not alone (as cheesy as that sounds)! My skin troubles started around 14/15 as well and I even had quite severe back acne; it was tough times but I think we've all come a long way, so glad you shared this :)

    Cherie x | SINONYM

    1. Good to know I'm not alone!!! Such a journey it has been aha

  4. Effaclar Duo is the HG spot zapper for people, ironically for me it has a reverse effect.. pretty sad

    New Chanel Les Beiges Multi Color No. 02 review | TheConscienceFund

    1. That's unfortunate! It works quite well for me! x

  5. I loved this post and could completely relate to your skincare woes!
    Maggie, x.

  6. Very interesting post to read! I've never really had sever acne, but my skin does suffer from being very very dry :(

    1. Lucky you! Though I guess we all have our own skin problems! x

  7. I've always found it interesting how different all our skin can be! great post :)
    Kallie - But First, Coffee

  8. Great post my skin definitely was problematic as a teenager too and still is randomly so really love posts like this. Also first time visiting your blog and really like it!

  9. I was quite lucky as a teenager, I didn't have a lot of pimples. Just the occasional one on my chin or nose (mainly when I'm stressed). Lately, I've been battling with cystic acne. It's quite frustrating as they are more persistent and painful. Looking forward to your upcoming skincare posts!
    Ty's Blog of Epiphanies

    1. I've never dealt with cystic acne but I hope you overcome it! They will be up very soon!

  10. I had acne until about a year ago, and now I get occasional breakouts! I started using the simple line, and I made sure I washed off my makeup, as well as stopped wearing makeup so much all together. I feel you on the terrible skin. Mine is still horrible! xx

    -Darianne | She Wrote Today

    1. Ahh, the struggle right? Giving my skin days when I don't wear make up at all has helped it so much, especially double cleansing as well at night! x

  11. I has really bad skin when I ws a teen, I even has to get antibiotics from the doctors to help clear up my skin. Now im more aware of good skin care products and keeping my diet more healthy my skin has balanced it self over the years but it took a very, very long time!

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

  12. Thanks for sharing! I get a bit self-conscious of my bare skin because I ALWAYS have at least one or two active breakouts. I recently developed several cystic pimples and I really did feel like crying but thanks to some products, I've managed it somewhat. It's really encouraging to hear other people's skin stories to know that I'm not alone in my acne struggle!

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

  13. Loved this post! Thanks so much for sharing your story! To be honest mine is very similar. My acne has at times gotten out of control but was mostly considered moderate. I have been to dermatologists as well and I feel like I have tried every product known to man. Even now, every now and then especially if I am trying out too many products at once or if I have a bad hormonal reaction, I can get horrible breakouts. My skin has just calmed down from about 4 weeks ago when I had another really bad breakout and I went back to Australian Skin Clinics for Microderm and I am looking into some chemical peels as well. That clinic has been the #1 thing to help me and my skin and I now swear by Skinstitut after using their products for 1.5 years now. It's great to hear someone else going through the same thing because even now when I get a bad breakout sometimes I get really down on myself and I feel like I am the only one going through it.

    Sarah | Bows & Pleats

    1. You are definitely not the only one going through it, trust me girl! I have to say doing the microdermabrasion was also the best thing I've done. I think I want to do some more, not so much for acne but for my skin texture - maybe even a facial peel too! Love Skinstitut Glycolic cleanser. I haven't tried much else from their range but I have been meaning to for sometime! I think it's great that we can openly talk about it as it is an issue that so many of us go through alone and an issue that often gets ignored in the beauty blogging world. Thanks Sarah xxx
